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RTI Control
Control your audiovisual equipment with ease
RTI specialises in control products for automating the operation of audio, video, and environmental management systems such as lighting and HVAC. Offering solutions for residential, commercial and transportation applications, RTI products are uniquely designed to meet the needs of the electronics installation professional while providing a simplified interface for the end-user.
RTI makes using today’s technology easy with a complete line of award-winning home control solutions. With the ability to control the home theatre whole house audio, lighting, HVAC, and security to name a few, RTI provides a simple, unified interface for today’s home control demands. With a complete lineup of handheld and in-wall controllers, as well as powerful system processors, RTI products can be integrated into virtually any home environment for a truly enjoyable control experience.
Home Theatre
RTI control systems allow every member of the family to easily operate even the most sophisticated home theatre With one-touch control and automation of audio, video, and lighting systems, RTI can eliminate the clutter and confusion of multiple remotes, so more time can be spent enjoying the home cinema experience.
Home Automation
Managing the ever increasing technology options throughout the home can become overwhelming. RTI systems can put the homeowner back in command of these technologies by bringing together control of electronics, whole house audio, lighting, security, and HVAC into one, simple interface. Whether in-wall or wireless, RTI products offer tremendous flexibility, allowing for a control interface tailored to each homeowner’s automation needs and technical aptitude.
RTI brings control to the outdoors with its line of wireless control products. Whether it’s a patio, pool, or backyard, RTI offers a solution to take control of home entertainment outdoors. Imagine being able to change radio stations or a music library with a simple button press while relaxing in a pool or hot tub. With an RTI control system, outdoor home entertainment is just a click away.


How many remote controls do you have in your home ?
RTI User Interaces

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