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24 Hour Monitoring
Protecting your home and business, every minute of every day, from 94c a day.
Our Grade 1 Monitoring Facility is fully equipped to protect your home or business from burglary, fire, flood, medical and personal emergency, all for one low cost.
We have a range of communication paths to our response centre, available to suit your budget and your security level requirement including systems with full redundancy.
Customer service and fast response being our primary focus, ensuring you are never left on hold for an extended time, to talk to our customer service staff, dealing with complicated phone systems that often put you through to the wrong department, causing further frustration and waiting times. Every call is answered by a live, fully trained team member, who can deal with your enquiry.
Our response centre complies with the Australian Standards (AS2201.2 2004) and is an ASIAL accredited Grade A1 Monitoring Centre. This grade is achieved by meeting and maintaining a series of strict requirements, to hold this rating, ensuring you are receiving the highest level of protection . These requirements include :
The construction of the centre, together with its physical and fire protection,
Access into the centre and its 'modus operandi',
Ventilation systems and emergency breathing equipment,
Power supply arrangements, including redundancy
Communications (telephones, duress and radio),
Redundancy in the monitoring equipment,
We hold our high level of service in high regard, which is why we don't ask you to agree to lengthy contracts or agreements. Some monitoring centres will ask you to agree to a 1, 3 or 5 year agreement. Should you wish to cancel your service, regardless or the reason, you will be required to pay out the remainder of the contract.
We feel if we provide a high level service with a reasonable price consistently, we don't need any complicated contracts to keep your business. Also, please check with your insurance company as you may be entitled to a discount for having a monitored security system.
If you would like a new or existing system monitored, click here to find out more.
Our Services
Late to Close / Early to Open Notification
Permaconn Security Monitoring Interface
Permaconn Security Monitoring Interface
The Permaconn solution provides a constant secure link between the supervised premises and the Central Station.
The PM45 and PM45-3G is a versatile alarm communicator that reports on 3G, GPRS and IP to the Central Station, providing a superior level of monitoring with the peace of mind of full redundancy in communication paths.
This unit can interface with a range of alarm panels using Contact ID reporting. Primary alarm path is IP, followed by 3G/GPRS in the event of a wired ethernet failure. If no IP connection exists the communicators will report on GPRS or 3G only.
The Permaconn also provides the ability to turn your system on and off, as well as checking the armed status of your system.
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Videofied was developed by RSI Video Technologies and is an innovative wireless self-powered alarm with built in Video Verification for priority police / guard / user response.
The system has been designed as a solution to resolve security problems for commercial, residential and government applications, where video verification will initiate a higher priority when it is confirmed intruders are on your premises.
The functionality is very similar to that of conventional systems, however the major differentiator being once an alarm has been triggered, the system will send video footage to the control room for verification, prior to contacting the authorities.
The large range of products also include outdoor detection, making the applications for this product infinite.
The patented Videofied alarm products are installed across the world - Europe, Africa, North America, Asia and Australia.
Engineering of Videofied products is based in Strasbourg, France where the team has been developing low-power radio solutions for commercial and government applications for over 20 years.
Our wireless Videofied security products are proven with over 6 years in the field and more than 100,000 systems installed.
Click here to find out more
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Videofied - How does it work ?

Dialler Monitoring
Dialler systems is undoubtedly the most common medium for security system communications currently in use. It is the most cost effective method and provides a basic level of protection. Its functionality relies on the security system making a physical call to the control room to transmit information, the hangs up.
The disadvantage is that if the phone line is cut or out of service, all communications is lost. As the service essentially being a "one way" communication path, the response centre has no way of knowing the system is unable to communicate for up to 7 days, which in some cases may be too late.
In saying this, the reported instances where phone lines have been purposely severed prior to a forced entry are very infrequent and more likely targets would be that of a high risk nature like some businesses, chemists, supermarkets, jewellery stores and the like.
Another point to be aware of with dialler systems, unlike IP, GPRS and 3G Communicators is each communication is a phone call, meaning every time the alarm is triggered or turned on or off, a phone call is made, which increases the overall cost. Usually, the communication for the alarm being turned on or off is disabled in residential situations, unless requested.
Of recent times, we are finding that many residential customers are disconnecting their home phones and moving to naked DSL or cable for internet and mobiles and VOIP for voice calls. This presents an issue if you have a dialler system and we are finding that more and more customers are making the move to Emizon and Permaconn, which do have a slightly weekly cost, but no call costs, so the overall cost is not too dissimilar.
SMS and Email Notifications
In addition to our standard response, we also offer email and SMS notification of events from your system. This is particularly useful if you are a business and manage multiple sites, or away from home and would like the peace of mind of still being able to be reached.
You can choose to only have selected events or receive these notifications for low priority alarms, such as power or battery failure in lieu of a phone call.
Late to Close / Early to Open Notification
Primarily for businesses, this feature will allow you to be notified if you forget to turn on your system after a certain time, leaving your property unprotected. When provided with your normal business hours, we are able to contact you if we have not received a signal from your system by a certain time to advise it is armed and secure.
Another feature is early to open notification. If one of your employees was to disarm the system at 2.00am, this would be classed as an unauthorised entry and you would be notified.
Webquery Remote Access
WebQuery is a portal for monitored customers to access their information, particularly with business customers. In the past, we provided weekly or daily reports detailing the events for that period. Webquery now puts all that information at your fingertips with instant access.
Webquery can be accessed from any internet enabled PC, tablet or smartphone. To apply for a Login Click here